The 7 main parties in Norway are:
- Arbeiderpartiet/ Labour party/ Ap
- Fremskrittspartiet/ Progress party/ Frp
- Høyre/ Conservative party
- Sosialistisk Venstreparti/ Socialist left party/ SV
- Senterpartiet/ Centre party/ Sp
- Kristelig Folkeparti/ Christian democratic party/ KrF
- Venstre/ Liberal party
After several hours yesterday and today reading the brochures, in concentration and fatigue, I've come up with this summary of the 7 parties above plus 3 other parties called:
- Rødt/ Red
- Miljøpartiet De Grønne/ Green party
- Piratpartiet Norge/ Pirate party
Click the pictures for the actual size.
I apologise for how ugly and messy it looks, on 1 hand this is not my main handwriting and I meant this to be more or less a draft, on the other hand its disorganised state should be attributed to the fact that the parties and their brochures are also somewhat messy (though I know this is an excuse, and may be considered a very bad one).
For anybody that wonders, I can't vote now (because I'm not yet a citizen).
I do have some opinions about this election, but prefer to keep them to my own. Will publish the results when I know them.
Political spectrum:
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