
Friday 31 January 2014

Vladimir Nabokov's lecture on Madame Bovary

1/ Nabokov says "3 forces make and mold a human being: heredity, environment, and the unknown agent X. Of these the 2nd, environment, is by far the least important, whilst the last, agent X, is by far the most influential."
"... This is why I am opposed to those who insist upon the influence of objective social conditions upon the heroine Emma Bovary. Flaubert's novel deals with the delicate calculus of human fate, not with the arithmetic of social conditioning."
Such people are mocked in "The Real Life of Sebastian Knight".  
However, I must say Nabokov's choice of the word "heroine" is incorrect. Emma Bovary is by no means a heroine. 

2/ The term bourgeois used by Flaubert for most of the characters in the book means "philistine, people preoccupied with the material side of life and believing only in conventional values. He never uses the word bourgeois with any politico-economic Marxist connotation. Flaubert's bourgeois is a state of mind, not a state of pocket." This clarity is certainly helpful- I only knew the Marxist sense. 
Funnily enough, he adds "Let me add for double clarity that Marx would have called Flaubert a bourgeois in the politico-economic sense and Flaubert would have called Marx a bourgeois in the spiritual sense; and both would have been right, since Flaubert was a well-to-do gentleman in physical life and Marx was a philistine in his attitude towards the arts."

3/ "A romantic person, mentally and emotionally living in the unreal, is profound or shallow depending on the quality of his or her mind. Emma Bovary is intelligent, sensitive, comparatively well educated, but she has a shallow mind: her charm, beauty, and refinement do not preclude a fatal streak of philistinism in her. Her exotic daydreams do not prevent her from being small-town bourgeois at heart, clinging to conventional ideas or committing this or that conventional violation of the conventional, adultery being a most conventional way to rise above the conventional; and her passion for luxury does not prevent her from revealing once or twice what Flaubert terms a peasant hardness, a strain of rustic practicality."
This is interesting. Adultery is the most conventional way to rise above the conventional. 

4/ Nabokov, as may be guessed, calls Charles Bovary a philistine, "a pathetic human being", who has "no charm, no brains, no culture, with a set of conventional notions and habits".
However, "... the love Charles almost unwittingly develops for Emma is a real feeling, deep and true, in absolute contrast to the brutal or frivolous emotions experienced by Rodolph and Léon, her smug and vulgar lovers. So here is the pleasing paradox of Flaubert's fairy tale: the dullest and most inept person in the book is the only one who is redeemed by a divine something in the all-powerful, forgiving, and unswerving love that he bears Emma, alive or dead. There is yet a 4th character in the book who is in love with Emma but that 4th is merely a Dickensian child, Justin. Nevertheless, I recommend him for sympathetic attention."
I have always seen Charles as pathetic, and the fact that he dies of grief makes him more of a laughingstock, because both Emma and he live in delusion. But perhaps Nabokov has a point.

5/ "Emma is a great reader of romances, of more or less erotic novels, of romantic verse. Some of the authors she knows are 1st-rate, such as Walter Scott or Victor Hugo; others not quite 1st-rate, such as Bernardin de Saint-Pierrre or Lamartine. But good or bad this is not the point. The point is that she is a bad reader. She reads books emotionally, in a shallow juvenile manner, putting herself in this or that female character's place."
Later, after no. 13, he says "Only children can be excused for identifying themselves with the characters in a book, or enjoying badly written adventure stories; but this is what Emma and Léon do." 
In this lecture Nabokov tackles a few things I have discussed earlier. I may not always be able to grasp a book, to recognise and analyse the beauty of a literary work, but I'm not a bad reader in the sense that I don't have to identify and sympathise with characters in a book in order to enjoy and appreciate that book.

6/ Nabokov says, Flaubert "uses the same artistic trick when listing Homais's vulgarities."
And referring to another wrong attitude in reading that I have earlier mentioned, he says: "The subject may be crude and repulsive. Its expression is artistically modulated and balanced. This is style. This is art. This is the only thing that really matters in books."

7/ Nabokov points out that the names suggested for the baby by the characters in the book actually reveal their tastes and personalities.

8/ "She is false, she is deceitful by nature: she deceives Charles from the very start before actually committing adultery."
Emma Bovary is fatalistic. This is 1 of the reasons I place "Anna Karenina" above "Madame Bovary"- Anna's life has ups and downs, brighter and darker days, whereas Emma right from the beginning is set to go straight to hell. 

9/ To describe Emma Bovary, I usually use the word "delusional" (and "idiotic"), which can also be used for Emma Woodhouse, and tend to see the similarities between Emma and Charles Bovary. Both are blind, delusional. Both are weak. Both make a fool of themselves. Then knowing Catherine Morland, I think both characters are inexperienced, ignorant readers who expect life to be like books. Nabokov sees Emma differently: "She lives among philistines, and she is a philistine herself. Her mental vulgarity is not so obvious as that of Homais. [...] one cannot help feeling that Homais and Emma not only phonetically echo each other but do have something in common- and that something is the vulgar cruelty of their natures. In Emma the vulgarity, the philistinism, is veiled by her grace, her cunning, her beauty, her meandering intelligence, her power of idolisation, her moments of tenderness and understanding, and by the fact that her brief bird life ends in human tragedy."
Later, after no.13, Nabokov analyses it further. Homais "tries to cram all his knowledge of physics and chemistry into 1 elephantine sentence; he has a good memory for odds and ends derived from newspapers and pamphlets. But that is all."
And adds "Just as Homais's speech is a jumble of pseudoscience and journalese, so in the 3rd movement the conversation between Emma and Léon is a trickle of stale poetisation. [...] It is important to mark that the Léon- Emma team is as trivial, trite, and platitudinous in their pseudoartistic emotions as the pompous and fundamentally ignorant Homais is in regard to science."
One must feel startled- what if I'm also a philistine? 

10/ I can't count how many times Nabokov uses the words "philistine" and "philistinism" in this lecture.
At 1 point he even exclaims "Oh those ignoble, treacherous, and philistine translators! One would think that Monsieur Homais, who knew a little English, was Flaubert's English translator."  
Don't you hate Nabokov for reading Tolstoy, Dostoyevsky, Flaubert, Proust... in the original languages? 

11/ A few impossibilities of "Madame Bovary" are mentioned, such as the ignorance of Charles Bovary and the busybody Homais. Though Nabokov says they "do not clash with the pattern of the book".

12/ "The isms go; the ist dies; art remains."
This is why the other day I wrote that it didn't matter very much whether or not Jane Austen's a feminist. 

13/ "Without Flaubert there would have been no Marcel Proust in France, no James Joyce in Ireland. Chekhov in Russian would not have been quite Chekhov. So much for Flaubert's literary influence."
It should be mentioned that Franz Kafka's also influenced by Gustave Flaubert, whom he calls 1 of his blood relatives. 

14/ "... if the official speeches are stale "journalese", the romantic conversation between Rodolph and Emma is stale "romantese". The whole beauty of the thing is that it is not good and evil interrupting each other, but 1 kind of evil intermingled with another kind of evil. As Flaubert remarked, he paints colour on colour."
Apparently Flaubert and Nabokov were more alike than I thought.
After giving extracts, examples, he says "In a way, Industry and the Fine Arts, those twin sisters, symbolise the hob breeders and the tender couple in a kind of farcical synthesis. This is a wonderful chapter. It has had an enormous influence on James Joyce; and I do not think that, despite superficial innovations, Joyce has gone any further than Flaubert."

15/ Nabokov calls "Madame Bovary" a prose poem.
Having read this lecture I see more clearly why he doesn't think highly of Dostoyevsky. Those who think it's because of incomprehension or envy and such lousy things obviously don't know Nabokov's style, temperament and attitude towards art. The point is not whether I agree with him, but I understand his viewpoint.

16/ "... Flaubert's fondness for what may be termed the unfolding method, the successive development of visual details, 1 thing after another thing, with an accumulation of this or that emotion" and "Flaubert's method of rendering emotions or states of mine through an exchange of meaningless words".

17/ "Flaubert does not use many metaphors, but when he does they render emotions in terms which are in keeping with the characters' personalities."  

18/ Nabokov quotes several times from Flaubert's letters discussing the working of the novel. He, however, doesn't discuss the sentence "Madame Bovary, c'est moi"


  1. I too regard Anna Karenina as superior to Madame Bovary. Have you read George Steiner's Tolstoy or Dostoevsky? He makes a lengthy and (for my money) completely convincing argument for this judgement, engaging with earlier comparizons by Matthew Arnold and Henry James. Here's just one of his punches:

    If we were to retain Arnold's deceptive terminology, we would have to say that Tolstoy's was the work of art and Flaubert's the piece of life—noting the overtones of deadness and fragmentation inseparable from the word "piece".

    1. I was going to read Steiner's book till I read more Dostoyevsky.

  2. Nabokov's Lectures are certainly enjoyable , but it somewhat diminished him in my eyes. His view of art is constricted and idiosyncratic, and "nutty" applies to his opinions as often as "fun" (frequently both!) Always witty, though.

    I also recommend Alex Beam's The Feud, about Nabokov's dustup with Edumnd Wilson.

    1. Haha why would it diminish him in your eyes? There's nothing wrong with idiosyncratic views. Nabokov was a major influence on my reading.

    2. Nothing wrong with idiosyncratic, but I object to his narrow view of fiction. Also to his gratuitous swipes at Orwell, Dostoyevsky, Thomas Mann, and many others.

      Because he elevates style above all else, he sneeers at some basic pleasures of fiction since Homer, like identifying with a character or the excitement of action. His dismissal of "general ideas", and his antipathy to personal information about the author (or at least allowing it to enrich one's understanding of the book) speak to his blind spots and obsessions.

      I did find many of his insights remarkable, but other strike me as strained. Take the so-called horse theme in Madame Bovery. He explicates this simply by listing a bunch of times horses appear. Mid-19th century provincial France: horses! Quelle surprise!

      Fun fact: Ruth Bader Ginsberg was one of Nabokov's students.

    3. His views on Dostoyevsky, George Orwell... make perfect sense when you know his aesthetic sense, his approach to literature.
      He doesn't elevate style above all else, because if he did, he wouldn't place Tolstoy above Turgenev & Flaubert.
      I also think it's silly to talk about identifying with characters (irrelevant). I don't agree with his opinion about "War & Peace", but usually I understand his dislike of "general ideas". Not a huge fan of novels of ideas either.
      I know the fun fact.

    4. The thing is, Nabokov's a novelist, not a literary critic.
      A critic has to be an appreciationist. A writer tends to have a strong vision that he/she may not accept a completely different vision or approach. Take Tolstoy on Shakespeare.
      Is he wrong? Definitely. Crazy even. But it makes perfect sense that he views Shakespeare that way, when you know his views on literature.

    5. I quite understand why Nabokov had these views, but as I said, it made me think less of him. Like his behavior toward the dying Edmund Wilson, it unveiled a cramped aspect of his personality.

      As for style:

      The effect of style is the key to literature, a magic key to Dickens, Gogol, Flaubert, Tolstoy, to all great masters.

      In Unpdike's intoduction, he quotes his wife, who took Nabokov's course: "...the central dogma she culled from Literature 311-312: 'Style and structure are the essence of a book; great ideas are hogwash'."

      Apart from the quoted passages, every chapter treats style and structure to the near exclusion of all other aspects. These discussions of technique are interspersed with rants on the puerility of all other approaches to literature.

      Certainly there is much to savor in Nabokov's Lectures, but also much that speaks only to his limitations.

    6. I agree about his behaviour towards the dying Edmund Wilson, but disagree about Nabokov's views on literature. I don't think you should take everything he says literally: as I said before, if style were everything to him as he says, he wouldn't place Tolstoy above Flaubert and Turgenev, as he does.
      Nabokov presents himself as an aesthete and keeps saying that he has no great ideas, no moral lessons, no interest in politics and social issues, but that's a persona. There is always a moral vision in his works, he often writes about various forms of tyranny, there is also philosophy in his works... He's not an absolute aesthete as he presents himself to be, and you shouldn't take his words at face value.


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