To be truthful, though in earlier posts I used terms such as "mentally handicapped", "mentally challenged" and "retarded" for Benjy due to the use of the word "idiot" in "The sound and the fury" and I didn't think very much about Benjy's condition, he did remind me of 2 characters: the 1st of whom was Raymond Babbitt (played by Dustin Hoffman) in "Rain man", an autistic man, and the 2nd was Christopher John Francis Boone in the book "The curious incident of the dog in the night-time" (Mark Haddon), who is said to have many traits of autists. The reasons are that Benjy has no ability for communication and social interaction but is immersed in his own world, his own mind, his own sense of reality, and that he clings to a pattern and bellows whenever things change or go out of order.
Below is an article which argues that Benjy's mental condition seems to be closer to autism than to mental retardation.
Although in William Faulkner's novel The Sound and the Fury "most
of the characters view Ben as a disgrace, a menace, or at least as a
slobbering idiot,"1 Benjamin Compson's behavior is
incongruous with that of an idiot. "Idiot," a term now obsolete,
was used during Faulkner's era to denote mentally retarded persons to whom
experts refer today as "profoundly retarded." "Idiots" or
the profoundly retarded are often, by definition, "completely
inaccessible, do not feed themselves or help themselves in any way and are
quite incontinent."2 Benjy's behavior varied throughout the
novel, but despite inconsistencies, he was rarely, if ever, depicted as
absolutely and totally helpless.
Critics themselves even disagree about Benjy's mentality; for instance, Frederick J. Hoffman describes Benjy as a "thirty-three-year-old idiot who stopped growing mentally in 1898 at the age of three."3 On the other hand, John Lewis Longley, Jr., comments that Benjy is a "thirty-three-year old man with a mental age of five."4 Another intriguing discrepancy can be found in the attitudes of certain characters in the novel who especially love Benjy. Characters such as Dilsey and Caddy, for example, insist Benjy has "certain particular and extraordinary powers of perception. As Roskus phrases it, 'He [Ben] know a lot more than folks thinks,'"5 There is sufficient evidence to believe Roskus was right: even though Benjy was retarded to a degree, he did not act consistently like an "idiot," by the accepted definitions. Moreover, Benjy displayed many characteristics that typify a person afflicted with autism. Perhaps the supposition that Benjy is autistic is unique; however, the theory that he is not an idiot is not original. At least one critic agrees. Winthrop Tilley, Ph.D., commented:
All things considered, Benjy
seems to turn out a fabricated literary idiot whose correspondence to any
idiot, living or dead, would be not only coincidental, but miraculous.6
conclusion is based on many episodes in the novel. One example is Ben's
attempted sexual attack on a schoolgirl after which Benjy is castrated.
Another manifestation of his sex drive is seen in his crying when he notices
his testicles are gone, according to Tilley. Alley points out that
"idiots are as low-geared sexually as they are intellectually," and
"practically are incapable of sexual intercourse."7 Tilley further notes two
inconsistencies in Benjy's behavior:
He is referred to more or less
indiscriminately as an idiot and a loony by a number of people. Most of me
time he has to be fed, but at least once he can manage solid food pretty
well. ... Sometimes he has to be carried, sometimes he can walk, and at least
twice, he can run.8
Tilley believes it is difficult to "place credulity in other feats of
memory and association he performs."9 For instance, Benjy's chapter in The
Sound and the Fury involves remembering a great number of events.
Similarly, Benjy's violent reaction to the carriage turning left at a
monument one day results from his memory of turning left there the day of his
operation fifteen years earlier, according to Tilley. For an idiot to
remember such details is totally unbelievable.
Many of Benjy's reactions to particular stimuli as well as much of his behavior in general share striking similarities to the behavior of autistic individuals. "Autism" comes from a Greek word, autos, which means "self."10 The label, autism, is used because many autistic persons are withdrawn and overly self-centered, although these traits do not always appear as predominate ones. Autism has only been recognized since 1943 when Professor Kanner first described autistic children as a special group.11 Thus, Faulkner, writing in 1929, would not have been familiar with this condition. He, like countless others, would have been too quick to label peculiar individuals as mentally retarded or, worse, idiots. Autistic individuals vary greatly because their condition may range from mild to severe. Of course, because autistic persons are individuals, each case is unique. Nevertheless, one may examine several characteristic symptoms and pair them with Benjy's traits. Regarding speech, for example, many autistic children are mute; they produce no recognizable words. Others' expressive speech is minimal.12 Benjy was mute, although the reader gets the rare opportunity to read Benjy's mind in a sense, in the chapter he narrates figuratively. This device enables readers to see how Benjy might talk if he could. One characteristic of autistic persons is that they seem unaware speech has a meaning.l3 The way in which Faulkner punctuates the quotes in Benjy's chapter leads one to believe that speech to Benjy was rather meaningless. Periods appear in place of commas after tags such as "Caddy said," and "Quentin said." This ploy creates the impression the speech is disjointed and fragmented. Benjy also "thinks" in choppy sentences with as few words as possible, as in the sentence, "The room went black, except the door."14 Normal people tend to use more words than are necessary while the autistic are economical.15 Autistic persons tend to be literal and concrete:
speech of autistic children has teen described as similar to that of a
computer translating from a foreign language, and this does give an idea of
the kinds of mistakes they tend to make.16
For this reason, the autistic often make mistakes
with words, such as the noun "sheet," which have two meanings. In
the same way, Benjy understands words literally, the best example being the
word "Caddy." To him, that word signifies his sister, and
therefore, he cannot perceive what golfers mean when they use the word
differently. Benjy seldom substitutes pronouns for names of speakers. He is
incapable of ascribing identities to Luster's friends, also, and thus their
speech seems to come from thin air.17
Lastly, a fascinating characteristic of autism in Benjy's speech is his
refraining from telling lies:
children never tell lies. They do not understand why it should ever be
necessary to avoid the truth, and in any case, lack the skill with language
and ideas needed to invent lies.18
Autistic persons have excellent memories, in most
cases. They usually have warped perceptions of reality, however.19 Benjy
evidently has a good memory, certainly a much better one than any idiot would
have, as Tilley pointed out earlier. Benjy reacts to sensory conditions which
spark a memory of an earlier similar occurrence. For example, once Benjy
snags his pants, and Luster says, "You snagged on that nail again. Cant
you never crawl through here without snagging on that nail" (p. 3). This
episode is followed immediately by Benjy's recollection of a similar episode
in which "Caddy uncaught me and we crawled through" (p. 3). The
past and present are inseparable in a way in Benjy's mind. The reader finds
himself in a "curious kind of fixed world."20
Likewise, of the autistic, Bruno Bettelheim writes:
thoughts move exceedingly slowly, without inherent connection. It is as if,
in Piaget's terms, they view single frames one at a time, one thought at a
time and not a comprehensive story.21
Autistic persons have trouble perceiving more
than a small thing or a scene at a time; this problem explains why they
remember one frame at a time. Elaborating on this symptom, Dr. Lorna Wing
notes that autistic children tend to focus on one small piece of the whole
while looking at picture books. They do this "because they cannot take
in the meaning of the whole scene. Very complicated and rapidly changing,
environments like crowded shops may upset a young autistic child , and bring
on a temper tantrum."22 Many
times in The Sound and the Fury, Benjy gets upset and cries; perhaps
in some of these circumstances, he cries because he is overwhelmed by the
complexity of a changing environment.
Overall, most autistic children are aloof and unaffectionate; however, the exception to this rule is that they will respond to a few special people in trusted environments.23 This trait is seen in Benjy: he is close to Caddy and a few others in his own home. Benjy does tend to be egocentric; everything described in his section is done so in relationship to him. Similarly, "(s)ince the autistic child is inhibited from acting on his own and hence from interacting with the world, he cannot leave his egocentric position."24 Another characteristic of autism is that autistic persons rely more heavily on sense data than do normal people, seeming "to recognize other people through these senses."25 Benjy repeatedly comments that Versh smells like rain and Caddy smells like trees. When Caddy ceases to smell like trees, Benjy howls - his way of registering a complaint.26 Autistic persons possess many acute senses, especially the senses of sight and touch. They are fascinated by light and by anything, that twinkles.27 The reader will note Benjy's preoccupation with fire and with the "sparkles" in this scene:
got the box and set it on the floor and opened it. It was full of stars. When
I was still, they were still. When I moved, they glinted and sparkled. I
hushed. (P. 50)
Benjy, like the autistic, also loves to feel of
certain objects. The autistic, it has been noted, "loves the feel of
smooth wood, plastic or soft fur."28 Benjy
was furnished with:
moments of touching, tasting, smelling, seeing and hearing. She [Caddy] had
often soothed him by calling his attention to the bright shapes of the
dancing flames in the fireplace, and to the attractive colors of red and
yellow in a cherished cushion, and to the soft texture of a satin slipper . .
. and to the music of rain on the roof.29
Benjy also exhibits a classic symptom of autism:
that is, he is obsessed with a fear of change. Autistic persons insist on the
repetition of routines, and if a "routine is upset, there are screams
and temper tantrums."30 Caddy
evidently recognized this characteristic, and she assured Benjy she would not
go away (p. 51). In fact, Benjy's reliance on Caddy for a preservation of
order and for sensual gratification may have been more important than his
love for her. Olga Vickery theorizes, and perhaps correctly, that because
concerned with preserving the pattern, rather than any single one of its
parts, there is little he can lose. Even Caddy has no existence for him
except as she forms part of that pattern.31
Luster, unlike Caddy, could not care less whether
he disrupts Bets routine, and Luster hears about it in the scene in Which
Luster changes the route to the graveyard. The route is important to Benjy,
who is "overwhelmed with horror and agony when Luster takes the wrong
turn only to subside the minute the mistake is corrected."32 Benjy
becomes upset by Luster's removal of a bottle at a grave. Benjy's initial
silence is "succeeded by a roar of protest. It is not that the bottle
has any intrinsic value for Belay, but merely mat it forms part of the
pattern which must not be disturbed."33
Benjy's rebellion against change is hard to miss in the novel. Likewise, the
autistic place so much importance or resisting change that it seems as if
change poses a threat to them:
a concept of the permanence of objects and human relations, the universe
lacks order and appears totally chaotic and unpredictable. The only principle
by which order can reign is to make sure that everything always remains the
Ironically, the autistic feel threatened by
things that are not dangerous: however, they are often unaware of real
dangers, such as extremes in temperature.35 Benjy
"lets his hands almost freeze, and burns them in the fire."36
In the novel, Benjy is depicted as a "big man who appeared to have been shaped of some substance whose particles would not or did not cohere to one another or to the frame which supported it" (p. 342). This description matches J. K. Wing's observation that the musculature of the autistic often seems very limp.37 A final parallel between Benjy and autistic children is that mothers of autistic children are often like Mrs. Compson. In one study, researchers discovered that many mothers of autistic children were
mechanical, resentfill, gloomy, and lacking in any spontaneity. Most
significantly, there was a minimum of interest expressed in eliciting any
emotional response from the children and a maximum interest expressed in
keeping the child quiet and inactive.38
Mrs. Compson continually insists that Benjy be
kept quiet. For example, in one scene she says, "Why won't you let him
[Benjy] alone, so I can have some peace" (p. 49). Mr. Compson says,
"You all must be good tonight.... And be quiet, so you won't disturb
Mother" (p. 76). Perhaps Mrs. Compson's uncaring, attitude brought out
Benjy's autism and caused mental retardation.
Benjamin Compson is more complex to analyze than one quick reading, of The Sound and the Fury might suggest. He displays many different types of behaviour, some of which are inconsistent. Although Faulkner labels him an "idiot," the diagnosis cannot be correct; Benjy iust does not behave in a manner characteristic of an "idiot" or a profoundly retarded person. He instead behaves like an autistic person suffering from a milder degree of mental retardation than idiocy. Benjy looks, acts, thinks and "speaks" (figuratively in his narration) in a manner characteristic of an autistic person. Faulkner has unknowingly presented of the earliest pictures in American literature of the devastating effects autism can have on a human being Ñ Benjy Compson.
LawranceThompson, "Mirror Analogues in The Sound and the Fury," in
English Institute Essays, 1952 (New York: Columbia Univ. Press, 1953),
pp. 83-106; rpt. in William Faulkner: Three Decades of Criticism, ed.
Frederick J. Hofflnan and Olga W. Vickery (New York: Harcourt, Brace and
World, Inc., 1963), p. 214.
2. R.F.
Tredgold and K. Soddy, Tredgold's Mental Retardation, 11th ed.
(Baltimore: The Williams and Wilkins Co., 1970). p. 258.
Frederick J. Hoffman, William Faulkner (New Heaven: College and Univ.
Press, 1961), p.52.
4. John
Lewis Longley, Jr., The Tragic Mask (Chapel Hill: Univ. of H. Carolina
Press, 1957). p. 221.
Thompson, p. 214.
Winthrop Tilley, Ph.D., "The Idiot Boy in Mississippi: Faulkner's The
Sound and the Fury," American Journal of Mental Deficiency, 59
(1955), 376.
7. Tilley, p. 376.
8. Tilley, p. 375.
9. Tilley, pp. 375-376.
10. Lorna
Wing, M.D., D.P.M., Autistic Children (NewYork: Brunner/Mazel, Inc.,
1972), p. 4.
11. Lorna
Wing, p.7.
12. Ivar 0. Lovaas, The Autistic Child
(Hew York: Indng,ton Pub. Inc., 1977), p. 30.
13. Lorna Wing, p. 15.
14. William Faulkner, The Sound and the Fury
(New York: Random House, 1929), p. 92. Subsequent references to this
novel will appear in parentheses in the text of this paper.
15. Lorna Wing, p. 19.
16. Lorna Wing, p. 18.
17. Olga W. Dickey, The Novels of William
Faulkner (Baton Rouge: Louisiana State Univ. Press, 1961), p. 34.
18. Lorna Wing, p. 27.
19. Bruno Bettelheim, The Empty Fortress (New
York: The Free Press, 1967), p. 390.
20. Hoffman, p. 53.
21. Bettelheim, p. 454.
22. Lorna Wing, p. 19.
23. J. K. Wing, ed., Early Childhood Autism
(Oxford: Pergamon Press, 1966), p. 14.
24. Bettelheim, p. 453.
25. Lorna Wing, p. 21.
26. Hoffman, p. 53.
27. Lorna Wing, p. 12.
28. Lorna Wing, p. 21.
29. Lawrance Thompson, Willam Faulkner, 2nd
ed. (New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Inc., 1963), p. 33.
30. Lorna Wing, p. 25.
31. Vickery, p. 36.
32. Vickery, p. 35.
33. Vickery, p. 35.
34. Bettelheim, p. 453.
35. J. K. Wing, p. 11.
36. Tilley, p. 375.
37. J. K. Wing, p. 12.
38. Bettelheim, p. 397.
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